rə̇ˈkant, rēˈ-, -kaa(ə)nt verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Latin recantare, from re- + cantare to sing — more at chant
transitive verb
a. : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly
recant all opinions which differed from those proclaimed by the central leadership — P.E.Mosely
b. : to make renunciation of (a course of action)
didn't show up … to recant his sins — Time
2. : retract , revoke
do this or else I do recant the pardon — Shakespeare
intransitive verb
: to take back or disavow an opinion, declaration, or course of action : make an open confession of error
never hesitates to recant whenever the progress of his thinking has brought about what he considers an improvement upon his former views — André Martinet
Synonyms: see abjure