I. ˈrēd transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English reden to read, advise, interpret, govern, guess — more at read
1. dialect Britain
a. : to arrive at by conjecture : guess , surmise
b. : predict
2. dialect : to give counsel to : advise , warn
I rede you not to stay here when I am gone — J.H.Wheelwright
3. dialect : to put a construction upon : interpret , explain
found the riddle … not possible to rede — C.G.Harper
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English reed, red, rede, from Old English rǣd advice, counsel, council — more at read
1. chiefly dialect : counsel , advice
my rede is this, that we to gain … bliss, risk dying — William Morris
2. archaic
a. : an explanatory statement or interpretation : account , story
read your rede to me, then boldly — Richard Brathwaite
b. : a proverbial saying : adage , maxim