rə̇ˈflektiv, rēˈf-, -tēv also -təv adjective
1. : capable of throwing back light, images, sound waves : reflecting
reflective surfaces
reflective insulation
2. : marked by reflection : concerned with ideas or with introspective pondering : thoughtful , deliberative
reflective reading of history
reflective temperament
3. : of, relating to, or caused by reflection
reflective glare of the beach
poise and swoop of a gull's flight casts in addition a reflective beauty on its animal structure — Lewis Mumford
4. : reflexive
reflective verb
• re·flec·tive·ly -tə̇vlē, -li adverb
• re·flec·tive·ness -tivnə̇s, -tēv- also -təv- noun -es