rēˈjenəˌrā]d.]iv, rə̇ˈ-, -n(ə)rə], ]t], ]ēv adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin regenerativus, from Latin regeneratus (past participle of regenerare ) + -ivus -ive
1. : of, relating to, marked by, or using regeneration : tending to regenerate
regenerative influences
a regenerative furnace
the regenerative phase of the cycle
2. : constituting or relating to the returning of energy to a supply system (as when a descending motor-driven hoist returns energy to the line by acting as a generator) ; specifically : relating to a method of amplification with electron tubes in which a part of the power in the output circuit acts upon the input circuit to increase the amplification
• re·gen·er·a·tive·ly ]ə̇vlē, -li\ adverb