Meaning of REOPEN in English

(ˈ)rē+ verb

Etymology: re- + open

transitive verb

1. : to open again

reopened his eyes

reopened the school


a. : to take up again : resume

the right to reopen discussion of matters affecting international peace — Vera M. Dean

b. : to resume the discussion or consideration of (a closed matter)

reopen the contract to discuss wages — Wall Street Journal

c. : to try or hear (a legal suit or action) anew especially for the purpose of hearing new evidence

3. : to begin again

reopen fire

reopen hostilities

intransitive verb

: to open again ; specifically : to resume operations after an interruption or suspension

the store reopened after a one-week shutdown

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.