-n(t)siv, -sēv also -səv adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French responsif, from Late Latin responsivus, from Latin responsus + -ivus -ive
1. : giving or serving as an answer : constituting a response or made in response to something
a responsive glance
prairie fires sprang up responsive to the draught
2. obsolete : correspondent , corresponding
3. : readily inclined to respond or react appropriately or sympathetically to influences, suggestions, impressions : sensitive : not dull, apathetic, unreceptive, impassive, or unaffected
sensitive to atmospheric conditions, responsive to every varying shift of wind and weather — J.C.Powys
efforts … to keep government in America responsive to the will of the people — V.L.Parrington
4. : involving the use of responses
responsive worship
Synonyms: see tender