rə̇ˈstrikt, rēˈs- transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Latin restrictus, past participle of restringere to restrain, restrict — more at restrain
1. : to set bounds or limits to : hold within bounds: as
a. : to check free activity, motion, progress, or departure of : restrain
intellectual snobbery which has tended to restrict men and women from an understanding of religion — A.H.Compton
also : hamper , diminish
b. : to check, bound, or decrease the range, scope, or incidence of : set what is to be included or embraced by : bar or carefully govern addition or increment to
countries where literacy was largely restricted to the upper classes — Helen Sullivan
2. : to place (land) under restrictions as to use (as by zoning ordinances)
Synonyms: see limit