I. -nt adjective
Etymology: Latin reticent-, reticens, present participle of reticēre to keep silent, from re- + -ticēre (from tacēre to be silent) — more at tacit
1. : inclined to keep silent or uncommunicative : given to reserve in speech
particularly reticent about their knowledge — Irving Kristol
though reticent about his personal history, on other matters he was garrulous — W.J.Ghent
reticent on his opinions — D.C.Peattie
reticent persons who are afraid to express themselves in a company — F.H.Allport
2. : restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance
magnificently reticent study of a housewife — Roger Manvell
the room has an aspect of reticent dignity — A.N.Whitehead
art is thoughtful, reticent , and stern, being composed of black and gray striations — Saturday Review
Synonyms: see silent
II. adjective
: reluctant : hesitant