rə̇ˌtikyəlōˌendōˌthēlēˈōsə̇s noun
or re·tic·u·lo·sis rə̇ˌtikyəˈlōsə̇s
( plural reticuloendothelio·ses -ˈōˌsēz ; or reticulo·ses -ˈlōˌsēz)
Etymology: reticuloendotheliosis from New Latin, from reticuloendotheli um + -osis; reticulosis from New Latin, from reticul- + -osis
: an abnormal state characterized by proliferation of reticuloendotnelial cells or their derivatives and their collection in bone and soft tissue (as Gaucher's disease, Hand-Schüller-Christian disease, or Niemann-Pick disease) : eosinophilic granuloma