Meaning of RHAPSODIC in English

(ˈ)rap|sädik, -dēk adjective

Etymology: Greek rhapsōidikos, from rhapsōidos rhapsodist + -ikos -ic


a. : characteristic or suggestive of a rhapsody : having the form or manner of a rhapsody

the first movement … is loose and rhapsodic in form — Douglas Watt

a rhapsodic gypsy air — Sara R. Watson

b. : given to expression or composition in the form or manner of the rhapsody

a rhapsodic composer whose music is fed on the most outspoken type of romantic fervor — Nicolas Slonimsky

2. : extravagantly emotional : rapturous

the rhapsodic quality of the program notes — Robert Lawrence

the most laudatory, if not downright rhapsodic , adjectives — Bernard Kalb

a terrible bliss of self-love, a rhapsodic egotism — Peggy Bennett

sent rhapsodic greetings — Sidney Wallach

3. : of or relating to the recitation of rhapsodies

the rhapsodic exhibitions of ancient Greek festivals

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