Etymology: Middle English rihtly, rightly, from Old English rihtlīce, from rihtlīc right, proper, from riht right + -lic -ly — more at right
1. : according to justice or equity : in conformity with the divine will or moral rectitude : in accordance with right conduct : fairly , justly
wondering if he did quite rightly in supporting the Fascists — Hibbert Journal
2. : in the right or proper manner : appropriately , fitly
rightly proud of its ancient buildings — John Durant
being rightly cast for the role — Warwick Braithwaite
the courts are rightly reluctant to thrust themselves into the administrative process — H.S.Commager
3. : according to truth or fact : accurately , correctly , exactly
could rightly identify her if we … meet — Hartley Howard
advised rightly or wrongly by his colleagues — Ed Nellor