I. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, action of rising, from gerund of risen to rise — more at rise
1. chiefly dialect : a pathological excrescence : a puffing up : boil , pustule
2. chiefly dialect : a leavening agent (as yeast) used to make dough rise
3. : raise II 4
a. : a narrow strake to support the thwarts of a boat
b. : fore-and-aft bearers to support a deck
II. adjective
Etymology: from present participle of rise (I)
1. heraldry : having the wings opening as if for flight
2. chiefly Midland : more than : exceeding — often used with of
3. : passing from a less vigorous to a more vigorous physical condition : improving — used especially of domestic livestock; compare falling
III. adverb
: on the verge of being a stated age : nearly , almost
a mare rising nine