( -es )
Etymology: Middle English roughnesse, from rough (I) + -nesse -ness
1. : the quality or state of being rough: as
a. : inequality or unevenness of surface
the roughness of the path
place his fingers on the paper … to perceive roughness — R.S.Woodworth
b. : a sensation of harshness or sharpness (as to the taste or hearing)
the tea … strong with that roughness which sets one's teeth on edge — G.E.Fussell
the roughness of their voices grating on his nerves
c. : harsh, rude, or violent speech or behavior
a riverside town well known for roughness — Harvey Day
d. : violent agitation : storminess
the roughness of the sea
the roughness of the weather
e. : lack of refinement or polish : crudeness
the life of the people had lost … its broad pioneer — American Guide Series: Tennessee
2. : a rough place or part
the roughnesses remaining after the first revision of an essay
3. Midland : roughage used as fodder