I. noun
( -s )
Etymology: from gerund of rouse (I)
1. : an act or instance of stirring up : agitation , disturbance
2. slang Australia : scolding
the women and the youngsters gave me a rousing — Melbourne (Australia) Argus
II. adjective
Etymology: from present participle of rouse (I)
a. : having the power to rouse : exciting , stirring
a rousing speech
brought the meeting to a close with a rousing hymn — Agnes S. Turnbull
b. : brisk , lively
a rousing ballet about three sailors on shore leave — Walter Terry
milliners doing a rousing trade at Easter
2. : exceptional of its kind : superlative
wrote three rousing best sellers in a row — Bennett Cerf
• rous·ing·ly adverb