ˌsärkəˈkälə noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, gum of the milk vetch ( Astragalus fasiculifolius ), from Greek sarkokolla, from sark- sarc- + kolla gum — more at protocol
1. capitalized : a small genus of shrubs (family Penaeaceae) native to southern Africa and having axillary or spicate red flowers with a long perianth tube and four reflexed lobes
2. -s : a gummy exudate believed to be obtained from either of two shrubs of the genus Penaea ( P. mucronata and P. sarcocolla ) but also held to be obtained from either of two milk vetches ( Astragalus fasiculifolius and A. sarcocolla ) and occurring in small yellowish or brownish red grains with a bittersweet and acrid taste