I. ˈsēnik, -nēk sometimes ˈsen- adjective
Etymology: Latin scaenicus, scenicus, from Greek skēnikos, from skēnē stage + -ikos -ic — more at scene
a. : of or relating to the stage, a stage setting, or stage representation : of, resembling, or suited to stage representation : dramatic
scenic writers
scenic effects
b. : of, relating to, or concerned with stage scenery
a scenic triumph
scenic carpenters
a. : of or relating to natural scenery
scenic beauties
b. : affording or abounding in attractive scenery
a scenic route
3. : representing graphically an action, event, or episode
a scenic basrelief
scenic wallpapers
— often opposed to decorative
II. noun
( -s )
: something stressing the beauties of nature or naturalistic ornamentation: as
a. : a scenic wallpaper usually depicting a single continuous scene without repetition
b. : a motion picture the chief interest of which is in the natural scenery depicted
c. : a photograph featuring scenery rather than figures