Etymology: from past participle of segregate (III)
a. : set apart or separated from others of the same kind or group
a segregated account in a bank
consists of a segregated area for absolute beginners — Priscilla Shirley
b. : divided in facilities or administered separately for members of different groups or especially races
segregated education is … provided in the state constitution — Time
the process by which segregated education has come to be accepted doctrine — L.W.Levy
c. : restricted to members of one group or especially one race by a policy of segregation
a Negro passenger … is placed in a segregated coach — New Republic
segregated drinking fountains, rest rooms and restaurants — Jet
state laws requiring segregated schools for Negroes and whites — J.B.Robison
2. : practicing or maintaining segregation especially of races
the inequalities inherent in a segregated economy and status system — M.C.Hill & B.C.McCall
three … were from segregated states — New York Times