ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷t ə lˌizəm noun
( -s )
Etymology: sentimental (I) + -ism
a. : the quality or state of being sentimental : the disposition to favor or indulge in sentiment
there was … a normal adolescent sentimentalism , but none of the turbulence, the storm and stress — H.S.Commager
rise above the level of gushy sentimentalism — John Dewey
sentimentalism in 19th century art arose … largely from the belief that art was a moral agent — Bernard Smith
b. : romanticism
degenerated into a superficial sentimentalism , dominated by wishes which were taken for facts — Time
scientific writing that is not accurate … can become a kind of sloppy sentimentalism — C.E.Kellogg
his doctrine was a sentimentalism which tended to present all human instincts as naturally good — L.J.A.Mercier
the sentimentalism of making our own paltry woes glorious in their bitterness — W.L.Sullivan
2. : a conception or statement marked by or expressive of sentimentality
in this program he was handicapped by various sentimentalisms — Carl Van Doren