I. sepˈtenərē, ˈseptəˌnerē, sepˈtēnərē noun
( -es )
Etymology: Latin septenarius, from septenarius of or relating to seven
1. archaic : a group or set of seven ; specifically : septennium
2. : a fourteener (as the trochaic tetrameter catalectic in medieval Latin verse, the iambic verse of seven and a half feet of Middle English poetry) often printed in two lines — called also septenar, septenarius
II. (ˈ)sep|tenərē, ˈseptəˌnerē, (ˈ)sep|tēnərē adjective
Etymology: Latin septenarius, from septeni seven each, seven (from septem seven) + -arius -ary
1. : of or relating to the number seven or to a septenary
2. : septuple