sə̇ˈkwenchəl, (ˈ)sē|k- adjective
Etymology: Late Latin sequentia sequence + English -al — more at sequence
a. : occurring as a sequela of disease or injury
b. : of, relating to, or forming a sequence : consecutive , serial
combination of two sequential courses into one — S.L.Pressey
set forth the essential facts … in a well ordered, sequential manner — New York Herald Tribune
the … Neolithic setting for which sequential stages have been most fully revealed — H.B.Collins
c. : having the form or character of a musical sequence
sequential arpeggio
a. : occurring without interruption : continuous
b. : relating to or based on a method of testing a statistical hypothesis that involves examination of a sequence of samples for each of which the decision is made to accept or reject the hypothesis or to continue sampling
3. : occuring as a result : consequent
• se·quen·tial·ly -ch(ə)lē, -li adverb