I. ˈsinj transitive verb
( singed ; singed ; singeing ; singes )
Etymology: Middle English sengen, from Old English sengan; akin to Old High German bi sengan to singe, Old Frisian of sendza to singe off, scorch, Middle Dutch sengen to singe, Middle High German senge dryness, Swedish dialect sjängla to singe, Old Slavic is ǫčiti to dry
1. : to burn (something) superficially or lightly : scorch: as
a. : to remove the hair or down from (an animal or fowl) by passing over a flame
b. : to remove projecting fibers and fuzz from (thread, yarn, or cloth) by passing rapidly over a gas flame or heated rollers
2. : to cause (a person) unexpected trouble, distress, or embarrassment (as for an injudicious interference or venture)
after being singed once or twice, I gave up on direct haggling — C.W.Morton
Synonyms: see burn
II. noun
( -s )
: a slight burn : scorch
variant of sign