Meaning of SKIPJACK in English

ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun

( -s ; see sense 2 )


a. : a young conceited fop

b. obsolete : jockey

2. or pl skipjack : any of various fishes that jump above or play at the surface of the water: as


(1) : any of various bonitos (as the Chile bonito or frigate mackerel)

(2) or skipjack tuna : a rather small large-eyed fish ( Katsuwonus pelamis ) that is bluish above and silvery below with oblique dark stripes on sides and belly and with a series of small finlets following both dorsal and anal fins, that is widely distributed in warm seas, and that is an important food and sport fish — called also oceanic bonito

b. : tenpounder

c. : rainbow runner

d. : a common freshwater herring ( Pomolobus chrysochloris ) of eastern No. America ; also : any of several related fishes (as an alewife or gizzard shad)

e. : bluefish

f. : a small freshwater silversides ( Labidesthes sicculus ) of the southern United States

g. : a large pale green Australian percoid food fish ( Temnodon saltator )

3. : click beetle

4. : a small sailboat with bottom similar to a flat V and the sides vertical or nearly so

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