Meaning of SLUE in English


variant of slough

II. verb

also slew or slough ˈslü

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: origin unknown

transitive verb

1. : to turn (as a ship's spar) about a fixed point that is usually the center or axis

2. : to turn (something) about : twist , veer — usually used with around or round

slued the boat around

slued her head around

they laughed and slued themselves round — Charles Dickens

intransitive verb

1. : to turn, twist, or swing about : pivot — usually used with around

slued around in the saddle — A.B.Guthrie

2. : to slide and turn or slip out of the course : skid

broke her towlines and slued across the channel — Marjory S. Douglas

III. noun

also slew “

( -s )

: position or inclination after sluing

get the mast on the right slue


variant of slew

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.