səˈlisəˌtüd, -isə.ˌtyüd noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French sollicitude, from Latin sollicitudin-, sollicitudo, from sollicitus solicitous + -tudin-, -tudo -tude
1. : uneasiness of mind due to fear (as of evil, future developments, material want) : anxiety , disquietude
having few wants he had little cause for solicitude
even the more peaceful hours … had beneath them a perpetual undercurrent of apprehensive solicitude — Havelock Ellis
a. : urgently attentive and sometimes excessive care and protectiveness
caring for the sick child with great solicitude
b. : an attitude of solicitous concern or attention
inquired after her welfare with marked solicitude
3. : a cause for or source of solicitude — usually used in plural
worn by the solicitudes of daily life
Synonyms: see care