I. ˈsōmə noun
( -s )
Etymology: Sanskrit; akin to Avestan haoma haoma, Greek hyei it is raining — more at suck
1. : an East Indian leafless vine ( Sarcostemma acidum ) of the family Asclepiadaceae that yields a somewhat acidulous milky juice
2. : an intoxicating plant juice of ancient India used as an offering to the gods and as a drink of immortality by worshipers in Vedic ritual and worshiped in personified form as a Vedic god — compare haoma
II. noun
( plural soma·ta -məd.ə, -ətə ; also somas )
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: New Latin somat-, soma, from Greek sōmat-, sōma body
1. : the whole of any organism except its germ cells
[Greek sōmat-, sōma ]
: body 1a — opposed to psyche
3. : cell body