I. (ˈ)sau̇|thwest, usual nautical pronunciation -au̇|w- adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sūthwest, from sūth south + west
: to, toward, or in the southwest : southwestward
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sūthwest, from sūthwest, adverb
a. : the general direction between the south and west
b. : the part of the southern sky lying west of the observer's meridian
c. : the point of the compass midway between the cardinal points south and west : the point directly opposite to northeast — abbr. SW ; see compass card
2. usually capitalized
a. : regions or countries lying to the southwest of a specified or implied point of orientation
b. : something (as people or institutions) characteristic of the Southwest
the Southwest is concerned over the problem of wetbacks
3. : the southwest wind
III. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from southwest (I)
1. : coming from the southwest
a southwest wind
2. : situated toward or at the southwest