or span·dril ˈspandrə̇l, -paan-
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English spaundrell, diminutive of Anglo-French spaundre spandrel, from Old French espandre, spandre to spread, disperse — more at spawn
a. : the wall or panel between the extrados of an arch and the next adjacent molding ; specifically : an ornamentally treated space between the right or left extrados curve and an enclosing right angle
b. : an area of the shape and nature of a spandrel
2. : the triangular space beneath the string of a stair
3. : an exterior wall panel which fills the space beneath a windowsill usually extending to the top of the window in the story below
4. : a corner space with scrollwork or other decorative filling between a rounded corner of a design and a squared corner of a rectangular frame line on a stamp