I. ˈskwȯk intransitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: probably blend of squall (I) and squeak (I)
1. : to make a loud harsh abrupt raucous outcry
the hens woke up squawking with terror — George Orwell
2. : to complain or protest loudly or vehemently or objectionably
his fellow profs … squawked about the bonfires the boys built — Christopher Morley
Synonyms: see complain
II. noun
( -s )
1. : the act or noise of squawking : a harsh squall
squawk of auto horns
squawk of a parrot
2. : a noisy, raucous complaint : an undignified protest
squawks of taxpayers
squawks from motorists … that they have been gypped on speeding charges — New York Times
3. : black-crowned night heron