ˈstāshəˌnerē, -ri adjective
Etymology: Middle English stacionarye, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French stationnaire, from Latin stationarius, from station-, statio station + -arius -ary — more at station
a. : fixed in a station, course, or mode : standing still : immobile
the shadow remained stationary — Jack London
a stationary engine
stationary machinery
b. : not portable
a stationary gun
c. : having no moving parts
a stationary transformer
2. : unchanging in condition : stable , static
the patient … remained relatively stationary — J.D.Teicher
a stationary population
a stationary period in philosophy
no form of living speech can be stationary even though a standard be fixed — George Sampson
3. archaic : of or relating to a military post or garrison
the stationary troops retired — Edward Gibbon