Meaning of STATUESQUE in English

|stachə|wesk adjective

Etymology: statue (I) + -esque

: resembling a statue: as


(1) : having a massive dignity or impressiveness : majestic

a fine, statuesque giant — Walter Lippmann

(2) : strikingly well-proportioned : tall , shapely

a statuesque model

she measures a statuesque 5 feet 8 — Roger Dettmer


(1) : immobile or rigid in stance or posture

statuesque great white heron — J.H.Baker

statuesque soldiers

(2) : coldly formal : inflexible

statuesque piety — W.M.Thackeray

c. : marked by classic harmony of form but little color, warmth, or feeling : marmoreal

a composed, statuesque little novel — New Yorker

• stat·u·esque·ly adverb

• stat·u·esque·ness noun -es

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