I. ˈstēv adjective
Etymology: Middle English stef (adverb steve )
chiefly Scotland : stiff , firm , sturdy
• steeve·ly adverb , chiefly Scot
II. transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English steven, probably from Spanish estibar or Portuguese estivar to pack tightly, from Latin stipare to press together, pack tightly — more at stiff
: to stow especially in a ship's hold : stuff , pack , store
III. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: origin unknown
intransitive verb
of a bowsprit : to incline upward at an angle with the horizon or the line of the keel
transitive verb
: to set (a bowsprit) at an upward inclination
IV. noun
also steev·ing -viŋ, -vēŋ
( -s )
: the angle that a bowsprit makes with the horizon or with the keel
was arranged with only slight steeve — E.W.White