Meaning of STENCIL in English

I. ˈsten(t)sə̇l noun

( -s )

Etymology: from (assumed) earlier stansel, from Middle English stanselen to ornament with sparkling colors or pieces of metal, from Middle French estanceler, estenceler, from estencele spark, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin stincilla, alteration of Latin scintilla


a. : material (as a sheet of paper, metal, thin wax, or woven fabric) that is perforated with lettering or a design through which a substance (as ink, paint) is forced onto a surface to be printed

b. : color, ink, or metallic powder used in stenciling

c. : a pattern or design of figures or letters cut into a stencil

d. : an impression left on a surface after stenciling

2. : a printing process using the stencil principle — compare intaglio , letterpress , planography

silk screen is a form of stencil

3. : something resembling a stencil : an uninspired or insipid repetition usually of an original idea or plan

the literary stencils that represent all cabdrivers as witty — Mark Murphy

II. transitive verb

( stenciled or stencilled ; stenciled or stencilled ; stenciling or stencilling -s(ə̇)liŋ ; stencils )

1. : to produce by or as if by means of a stencil

stencil an address on a packing case

stencil an interoffice memorandum

2. : to mark or paint with an inscription or a design by means of a stencil

curtains that you stenciled with such pride — Myrtle R. White

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