ˈstrīə noun
( plural stri·ae -īˌē, -īˌī)
Etymology: Latin, furrow, channel, hollow — more at strike
1. : a fillet especially between flutes of columns or pilasters
a. : a minute groove or channel : a threadlike line or narrow band (as of color) especially when one of a series of parallel grooves or lines
the striae produced on a rock by rock fragments held in a glacier
the striae on a shell
the striae of the light in a vacuum tube
b. : a narrow structural band or line
a stria of nervous matter in the brain
3. : an elongated imperfection in glass caused by variation in temperature of the furnace or by unequal density of materials used
4. : a stripe or line (as on the skin) distinguished from the surrounding tissue by color, texture, or elevation
the striae in the skin in pregnancy resulting from stretching and rupture of the elastic fibers
5. : strié