ˈstərjən, ˈstə̄j-, ˈstəij- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French estourjon, esturgon, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English styria sturgeon, Old High German sturio, Old Norse styrja
a. : any of various usually large ganoid fishes of Acipenser and related genera that are widely distributed in the north temperate zone in both fresh and salt water, that have a heterocercal tail, a prolonged head with a toothless protrusile mouth on its undersurface, and an elongate body covered with tough skin protected by five rows of bony plates, and that are valued for their flesh and especially for their roe which is made into caviar — compare beluga , sterlet
b. : fresh or cured sturgeon flesh
2. : any of several fishes (as a paddle-fish) related to and somewhat resembling the true sturgeons