or sam·bul səmˈbu̇l ; also sum·bal -ˈbäl
( -s )
Etymology: Arabic sunbul
1. : the root of a muskroot ( Ferula sumbul ) formerly used as a tonic and antispasmodic
2. : garden heliotrope 1
3. : spikenard 1a
or sam·bul səmˈbu̇l ; also sum·bal -ˈbäl
( -s )
Etymology: Arabic sunbul
1. : the root of a muskroot ( Ferula sumbul ) formerly used as a tonic and antispasmodic
2. : garden heliotrope 1
3. : spikenard 1a
Webster's New International English Dictionary. Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster. 2012