Meaning of SUSTENTATION in English

ˌsəstən.ˈtāshən noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin sustentation-, sustentatio act of holding up, from sustentatus (past participle of sustentare ) + -ion-, -io -ion

1. : the act of sustaining or the state of being sustained: as

a. : maintenance , upkeep

taxes for the sustentation of a state college

b. : preservation , conservation

the sustentation of peace in a nation

c. : maintenance of life, growth, courage, morale

d. : provision with sustenance

gave seeds … and nectar of flowers for the sustentation of His small birds — W.H.Hudson †1922

e. : physical support : a holding up or state of being held up

2. : something that sustains or provides sustenance : support

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