I. ˈtau̇, ˈdau̇ noun
( -s )
Etymology: Chinese (Pekingese) tao 4 , literally, way
1. Taoism
a. : the unitary first principle from which all existence and all change in the universe spring : the unconditioned unnameable source of all reality that transcends being and nonbeing by standing above and beyond all distinctions
b. : the eternal order of the universe
2. Confucianism
a. : the right way of life : the path of virtuous conduct
b. : the principles that govern each separate category of existence
c. : the universal criterion of right and wrong : truth
d. : the ultimate principle of universal reality : cosmic reason
II. ˈtau̇ noun
( -s )
Etymology: Tagalog, person, man
Philippines : man , peasant