1. : a temporary grouping of armed forces units under one commander for the purpose of accomplishing a definite usually operational objective (as taking an island from an enemy)
a task force of over 50 naval vessels
a small task force that might, say, … blow up an atomic stockpile — New Yorker
a task force to test military equipment under polar conditions — Frank Illingworth
a. : a group of persons with various specialties that is charged with investigating a particular problem (as in industry or government) and with formulating proposals for its solution and that frequently is part of a larger group dealing with a complex of related problems
the commission promptly secured the service of three hundred experts, who were assigned to twenty-four research committees called task forces — B.D.L.Nash & Cornelius Lynde
b. : any group of persons charged with the accomplishment of a definite objective
a courtroom task force that tore the state's case to shreds — G.A.Morran