I. noun
also tea·sle or tea·zel or tea·zle ˈtēzəl
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English tesel, tasel, from Old English tǣsel; akin to Old High German zeisila teasel, Old English tǣsan to tease — more at tease
1. : a plant of the genus Dipsacus (especially D. fullonum and D. sylvestris ) — see fuller's teasel , wild teasel
a. : a flower head of the fuller's teasel covered with firm finely hooked bracts and used when dried to raise a nap on woolen cloth
b. : a wire substitute for the fuller's teasel
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teasel 1
II. transitive verb
( teaseled or teaselled ; teaseled or teaselled ; teaseling or teaselling -z(ə)liŋ ; teasels )
: to nap (cloth) with teasels