I. ˈthərməl, ˈthə̄m- ˈthəim- adjective
Etymology: Greek thermē heat + English -al
[Latin therm ae hot springs + English -al — more at therm ]
: of or relating to hot springs or geysers
thermal regions
health resort with natural thermal waters — advt
2. : of, relating to, or caused by heat : warm , hot
thermal requirements of a room — Herman Nelson
thermal burns
3. : of or relating to a state of matter that depends upon its temperature alone
thermal movements of molecules
4. : having translational speeds and energies of the order of those due to thermal agitation
thermal neutrons
II. noun
( -s )
: a rising body of warm air
III. adjective
: designed (as with insulating air spaces) to prevent dissipation of body heat
thermal underwear