-_lə̇s noun
( plural tibia·les -(ˌ)lēz)
Etymology: New Latin; in sense a, short for tibialis anticus anterior tibial (muscle), from tibialis tibial muscle (from Latin, tibial) + anticus anterior; in sense b, short for tibialis posticus posterior tibial (muscle), from tibialis + posticus posterior — more at anticus , posticous
: either of two muscles of the calf of the leg:
a. : a muscle arising chiefly from the outer tuberosity and part of the shaft of the tibia and inserted by a long tendon into the first cuneiform and first metatarsal bones — called also tibialis anterior, tibialis anticus
b. : a deeply situated muscle arising from the tibia and fibula, interosseous membrane, and intermuscular septa and inserted by a tendon passing under the medial malleolus into the navicular and first cuneiform bones — called also tibialis posterior, tibialis posticus