ˈtid. ə l, -it ə l noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English titel, from Medieval Latin titulus title, label, diacritical mark, from Latin, title, label
1. : a point or small sign used as a diacritical, punctuation, or similar mark in writing or printing: as
a. obsolete : cedilla
b. : tilde
c. : the dot over i or j
d. : a vowel point or accent (as in Hebrew or Arabic)
2. : a very small or minute part : the smallest particle : an extremely small or the least possible amount
he meant not to lose one tittle of enjoyment — Winston Churchill
— often used in the phrase jot or tittle
burn books that depart one jot or tittle from the legends of the fathers — H.A.Overstreet
better … that a million perish than that one jot or tittle of that unique value should be lost — Ruth Benedict