I. ˈtrēˌfȯil, ˈtreˌ- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French trefeuil, trefeul, from Latin trifolium, from tri- + folium leaf — more at blade
(1) : a clover of the genus Trifolium
(2) : any of several similar trifoliolate leguminous herbs ; especially : black medic — see bird's-foot trefoil
b. archaic : wood sorrel
c. : a trifoliolate leaf (as of a clover)
2. : an ornament or symbol in the form of a stylized trifoliolate leaf : a figure enclosed by three joined foils: as
a. : a 3-lobed foliation in Gothic tracery
b. : a heraldic bearing or figure depicted as a cloverleaf with stem usually pointing down
c. : an emblem having a 3-lobed outline
the Girl Scout trefoil
3. : a cluster of three linked or closely related or associated items
4. : a triangular area of a molar tooth with protocone, paracone, and metacone forming the angles
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trefoil 2
II. adjective
: of, relating to, or having the shape of a trefoil:
a. : having three leaves or three lobes
b. of an arch : having an intrados with a 3-lobed outline — see arch illustration