ˈtremyələs adjective
Etymology: Latin tremulus — more at tremble
1. : characterized by or affected with trembling or tremors : quivering , palpitating, shaking , vibrating
tremulous hands
leaves tremulous in the breeze
2. : affected with fear or timidity : timorous , wavering
a shy tremulous girl
3. : such as is caused by a tremulous state or characteristic of a tremulous individual or thing
a tremulous handwriting
a tremulous reply
night with no cloud to sully its tremulous radiance — E.J.Banfield
4. : exceedingly sensitive : easily shaken or disordered
a tremulous and bitter joy — C.A.Lejeune
— often used with to
tremulous to criticism
• trem·u·lous·ly adverb
• trem·u·lous·ness noun -es