ˌtrikəməˈnīəsə̇s, trə̇ˌkäm- noun
( plural trichomonia·ses -əˌsēz)
Etymology: New Latin, from Trichomonas + -iasis
: infection with or disease caused by trichomonads: as
a. : a human vaginitis characterized by a persistent discharge and caused by a trichomonad ( Trichomonas vaginalis ) that sometimes also invades the male urethra and bladder
b. : a venereal disease of domestic cattle marked by abortion, sterility, and pyometra and caused by a trichomonad ( T. foetus )
c. : one or more diseases of various birds apparently caused by trichomonads (as T. diversa or T. gallinorum ) and characterized by ulceration and necrosis of the upper digestive tract or by inflammatory changes of the ceca accompanied by severe diarrhea