Meaning of TRICONODON in English

trīˈkänəˌdän noun

Etymology: New Latin, from tri- + con- + -odon

1. capitalized : a genus of small generalized Jurassic mammals that have teeth with three simple cones and are associated with Marsupialia or Multituberculata or more usually placed with a few related forms in the order Triconodonta

2. -s : any mammal or fossil of the genus Triconodon

• tri·con·odon·tine | ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|dän.ˌtīn, -n.ˌtēn, -nt ə n noun -s

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.