I. ˈtrülē, -li adverb
Etymology: Middle English trewely, from Old English trēowlīce, from trēowe faithful + -līce -ly — more at true
a. archaic : with constancy : faithfully
b. : sincerely — often used as a complimentary close after yours
a. : in agreement with fact : truthfully
a passion to see and to report truly — Gladys Wrigley
b. : conformably with nature : realistically
the characters are all quietly funny; they are all truly drawn — Coulton Waugh
3. : with exactness of construction or operation : accurately
the early engineers, who built so well, and so truly — O.S.Nock
a. : indeed — often used as an intensive
truly , she is fair
or interjectionally to express astonishment or doubt
b. : without feigning, falsity, or inaccuracy in truth or fact : genuinely
truly noble expressions of human feeling — M.R.Cohen
whether you merely exist or truly live — Dana Burnet
5. : properly , rightly , rightfully
II. noun
( -es )
Britain : truth , veracity , trustworthiness — used in such phrases as by my truly