Meaning of TUTELAGE in English

ˈt(y)üd. ə lij, -üt ə l-, - ə lēj noun

( -s )

Etymology: Latin tutela protection, guardianship, guardian (from tutus, past participle of tuērī to look at, protect, guard) + English -age — more at tuition

1. : an act or action of guarding or protecting : guardianship , protection

2. : the state of being under a guardian or tutor ; also : the right or power of a tutor over his pupil : dependence


a. : instruction ; especially : individual instruction accompanied by close personal attention and a conscious attempt at guidance

were held together by the firm social tutelage of the publisher's widow — Willa Cather

under his tutelage she trained for a contest — Current Biography

b. : a determining influence exerted over an individual by a person, school, or movement

began his intellectual career under the tutelage of the neo-Kantians — J.G.Gray

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