I. ˈtwān adjective
Etymology: Middle English tweyen, twein, twain, adjective & pron., from Old English twēgen, nominative & accusative masculine — more at two
archaic : two
Nature's twain circumscriptions of man's station — H.B.Alexander
II. pronoun
Etymology: Middle English tweyen, twein, twain
: two
mark twain
III. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English tweyen, twein, twain, from tweyen, twein, twain, adjective & pron.
1. : two
2. : couple , pair
the doings of this talented twain — Osbert Sitwell
- in twain
IV. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English twaynen, from tweyen, twein, twain, adjective
: divide , part , sunder