ˈəmbrə noun
( plural umbras -brəz ; or um·brae -ˌbrē, -rī ; except sense 5 )
Etymology: Latin
a. : ghost , phantom
a spectral umbra pointing heavenward — Walter Besant & James Rice
b. : one that tags along with another : shadow 10a
the dependable umbra of the guest of honor
2. : a shaded area : darkness
sealed off in the umbra beyond the flame tips — Robert Hazel
a. : a shadow excluding all light from a given source ; specifically : the part of the shadow of a celestial body having all the light from the primary source geometrically excluded and having a conical shape in bodies of the solar system — compare penumbra 1
(1) : penumbra 2
(2) : the central dark part of a sunspot
4. : any of several food fishes of the genus Umbrina ; especially : a Mediterranean food fish ( U. cirrhosa ) that is much esteemed as a market fish
5. capitalized
[New Latin, from Latin, shade, shadow, grayling, umbra]
: a genus (the type of the family Umbridae) of small bottom-dwelling freshwater fishes containing the mudminnows of northern No. America and southeastern Europe